Koer Koer to a great Animal Fair!

Forts, packing their kits, sleeping in tents, nature walks, and the fun of a campfire! The very first National Meerkat Camp-in that virtually took place over the weekend was filled with activities, laughter and above all fun family time!

“Our Meerkat animal fair was awesome”, said KZN RTC Meerkats Brenda Timmer with a smile. “It was very special to have Granny Meerkat Shirley Southworth do the opening circle and Meerkat Chair Craig Rens conduct the closing circle.

When we asked the children during the Meerkat’s Own what 3they enjoyed the most, it was clear that they had so much fun, and they loved camping and cooking their own food- albeit at home. Being given the opportunity to do something for themselves, whilst spending time with their parents was something they really enjoyed. It is not often that parents and children get to spend quality time with each other in this way. It was just really great to see it happening this weekend.

Personally, I really loved getting to know all 25 of them a little better and seeing them open up and chat to each other by the end of the camp-in! Having a camp virtually is not always easy to grasp but it was clear that Scouting is Scouting in any format!”


See what the Meerkats got up to here.

#Meerkats #scoutssouthafrica #skills4life #LearnItYoungRememberItForever #camping #Family #Fun #ScoutingFromHome #ScoutingAtHome